
Properties Containing Artex Materials

WWHC are aware that some of our properties have Artex materials on either the ceilings or walls, or in some cases both.

Artex does not present a significant risk if left in place and undisturbed. In some cases, we have found that the Artex materials can contain small levels of asbestos. Given that the asbestos is tightly bound into the Artex mixture, there is no risk unless materials are disturbed.

If you have Artex coated surfaces in your property, we recommend that you do not drill or try to remove the material without first contacting the Property Services team at the office for advice and guidance. Where necessary, Property Services will arrange for the material to be tested for any asbestos content, and make proper arrangements for the work to be carried out by a specialist contractor.

We would stress that in normal circumstances where the Artex is not damaged or disturbed there is no risk to you and your family. The small risk arises only when the materials are subject to disturbance.

We are also aware that there are some other areas within your property where asbestos containing materials are very likely to be present and you should contact us to discuss any planned alterations or improvement works so that we can assess the work and advise of the risk. This is a requirement detailed in your Tenancy Agreement.

Our Asbestos Management Policy and Plan is available below.

If you have any concerns in relation to the above information please do not hesitate to contact the Property Services team who will provide further guidance.

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