Rent Setting 2020/21 – Consultation

The Management Committee is currently considering the appropriate rent charges for all properties in the ownership of WWHC for the forthcoming financial year and is keen to consult with all tenants/members to allow them to express their views, should they wish. The matter will also be considered by the WWHC Tenant Scrutiny Panel. The Co-operative’s […]

Office Closed – Festive Break

The office will be closed from Wednesday, 25th December 2019. It will re-open at 9.15 am on Monday, 6th January 2020. Tenants who need to report an emergency repair can contact Concierge via their handsets or by telephoning 0141 646 1924. Staff and committee wish all our tenants a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Office Closed – 20th December 2019 pm

The office will be closed from 2 pm on Friday, 20th December 2019. It will re-open at 9.15 am on Monday, 23rd December. Tenants who need to report an emergency repair can contact Concierge via their handsets or by telephoning 0141 646 1924.

Performance Report from The Scottish Housing Regulator 2018-2019

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published its report of West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative’s performance over the past year. The results again show an extremely high level of performance by WWHC. We are delighted to have achieved such outstanding results and we look forward to continuing to deliver such high quality homes and services to you, […]

Office Closed – Public Holiday

The office will be closed on Friday, 27th September and re-open at 9.15 am on Tuesday, 1st October 2019. Tenants can report emergency repairs to our Concierge team, who are on site 24 hours a day, by telephoning 0141 646 1924, using their handset, or by dropping in to the station.

Annual General Meeting 2018-2019 Reconvened

Our Annual General Meeting will reconvene on Monday, 16th September at 7.00 pm. The meeting will take place in Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre. All members of The Co-operative are invited to attend the meeting. Member attendance is important to make sure the Co-operative is operating democratically. What is the Annual General Meeting for? • To […]

Annual General Meeting 2018-2019

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 9th September 2019 at 7.00 p.m. in Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre. All members of The Co-operative are invited to attend the meeting. Member attendance is important to make sure the Co-operative is operating democratically. What is the Annual General Meeting for? • To let you know […]

WWHC 30th Birthday Party

All tenants are invited to our 30th Birthday Gala Day event on Saturday 24th August. More exciting information to follow.

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