Engagement Plan

Download the Scottish Housing Regulator’s engagement plan for West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative Ltd.

Rent Setting 2019/2020

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative’s Management Committee is considering the appropriate rent charges for all properties in the ownership of WWHC for the forthcoming financial year and is keen to consult with all tenants/members to allow them to express their views. The Co-operative’s approach to rent setting has always been to make sure we deliver as […]

Scottish Housing Regulator National Panel: Add Your Voice

Would you like to help improve social landlord services in Scotland? The National Panel is one of the ways that the Scottish Housing Regulator can hear what people think and make sure they focus on the important things. Panel members are asked for their views on a range of issues affecting people who use social […]

East Whitlawburn Regeneration News Update

Following on from the article in our Winter newsletter edition confirming the regeneration plans for East Whitlawburn, South Lanarkshire Council has now confirmed the following: Phase 1 of the demolition process includes all properties at Rona Terrace, Maxton Terrace, Aron Terrace and some properties at Morven Road. A large number of East Whitlawburn tenants and […]

Christmas Opening Hours

The office will close on Monday, 24th December and re-open at 9.15 am on Thursday, 3rd January 2019. Tenants can report emergency repairs to our Concierge team, who are on site 24 hours a day, by calling 0141 646 1924, using their handset, or by dropping in to the station. Staff and committee wish all […]

Office closed Friday, 14th December PM

The office will close at 12 noon on Friday, 14th December. It will re-open at 9.15 am on Monday, 17th December. Tenants can report emergency repairs to our Concierge team on 0141 646 1924 or by using their handset.

More Compliments than Complaints

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative is delighted that the number of formal compliments The Co-operative has received from tenant/members this year has far outstripped the number of formal complaints it has received, by a ratio of almost 3:1. Paul Farrell, Director of WWHC, explained “This year, along with measuring and recording the number and type of […]

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