Regeneration of East Whitlawburn

Due to falling demand, high turnover and the unpopularity of the housing stock in East Whitlawburn, South Lanarkshire Council has decided to demolish the East Whitlawburn estate and build new houses on the site. South Lanarkshire Council has chosen West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative as its preferred Social Landlord of choice to partner South Lanarkshire Council […]

Annual Performance Report 2017/2018

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published its report of West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative’s performance over the past year. West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative performed above average in most of the areas measured. We are delighted to have achieved such outstanding results and we look forward to continuing to deliver high quality homes and services to you, […]

Office Closed – Public Holiday September 2018

The Co-operative’s offices will be closed on Friday, 21st September and Monday, 24th September. The office will re-open at 9:15 am on Tuesday, 25th September 2018. If tenants need an emergency repair carried out during this time they should contact our Concierge team on 0141 646 1924 or via their handset.

WWHC delighted with Scottish Housing Regulator Results

Every year The Scottish Housing Regulator publishes a report on how all Registered Social Landlords have performed. The report sets out the standards that all landlords aim to achieve and the areas it covers is wide ranging. It includes tenant satisfaction, quality and maintenance of homes, and neighbourhood and services. The results for 2017/18 have […]

Springhall and Whitlawburn Neighbourhood Plan

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative and Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre are pleased to announce that, following positive discussions with senior officials and elected members of South Lanarkshire Council, both WWHC and WCRC are happy to re-engage with South Lanarkshire Council on the development and delivery of the Springhall and Whitlawburn neighbourhood plan. WWHC and WCRC had […]

Annual General Meeting 2018

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 10th September 2018 at 7.00 P.M. in Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre. Refreshments will be provided Come along and help support your community

Office Closed – Wednesday, 25th July

The Co-operative’s offices will be closed on Wednesday, 25th July. The office will re-open at 9:15 am on Thursday, 26th July 2018. If tenants need an emergency repair carried out during this time they should contact our Concierge team on 0141 646 1924 or via their handset.

Office Closed – Public Holiday – July 2018

The Co-operative’s offices will be closed on Friday, 13th July and Monday, 16th July. The office will re-open at 9:15 am on Tuesday, 17th July 2018. If tenants need an emergency repair carried out during this time they should contact our Concierge team on 0141 646 1924 or via their handset.

West Whitlawburn National Model of Excellence

The following article by Rutherglen Reformer and Mark McLean was originally published in the Daily Record online on 4th July 2018. A Cambuslang housing organisation was held up as a national model of excellence in the Scottish Parliament last week. MSP James Kelly told a panel in Holyrood that West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative (WWHC) is […]

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