Civic Award for Founder Member

The Co-operative is delighted to announce that South Lanarkshire Council has bestowed upon Susan the prestigious Civic Award at an Official Civic ceremony on 17th November 2011 in The Council buildings in Hamilton. Susan retired from the WWHC Management Committee at the AGM in September 2011, she will be badly missed.Susan was a founder member […]

External Window Cleaning

The Co-operative has agreed with the contractor Burnside Window Cleaning the following dates for the quarterly external cleaning of the 3 lower panes of glass on the curtain walling of the conservatories, and the outside of the kitchen window with the fan fitted. They will also clean all sub landing windows: Ailsa Tower Monday 12th […]

Gritting and Severe Weather Implications

Tenants will be well aware that the predicted snow has now arrived.  The Co-operative has put in place a regular programme of gritting to ensure that paths, carparks and walkways are kept as safe as possible at all times.  The severe weather may also dislodge slabs and we ask you to take extra care when out […]

Free Training – Radio Feature Production

Camglen Radio are delivering free SQA courses in Radio Feature Production. To find out more or to book your place call Martin on 0141 646 0123 or pop into the CHI offices at the Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre.

Whitlawburn Pharmacy Update

Pharmacist David Dryden has told us that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have confirmed receipt of the application to open a pharmacy in Whitlawburn and are currently processing it. He added that he doesn’t expect to hear anything back from the Health Board until next year but hopes that they will schedule a hearing at the […]

Wear It Pink To Work Day- Friday 28th October

Staff at West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative and Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre came to work dressed in pink on Friday 28th October in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness week. We managed to raise £130 from various activities such as a quiz, guess how many marshmallows in the jar and a sweepstake.  £130 could buy 2600 microscope slides or 3000 test […]

Whitcomm Customer Consultation

Whitcomm Co-operative Ltd recently wrote to all their customers about improving the speed of their broadband and telephone network. Whitcomm customers should let their committee know what they think about this no later than Monday, 31st October. You can send a message to Whitcomm’s management committee by using this website’s contact form, or you can telephone Susan […]

Whitlawburn Pharmacy – Your Opinion is Vital

An application to open a new pharmacy at Western Road (in the old ‘Racing Colours’ bookmakers) is being prepared. Previous applications for a pharmacy in Whitlawburn have been refused. If you want this service, you need to make yourself heard. The consultation period runs from 27th July-16th August and this is the time to show […]

Blantyre & South Lanarkshire Credit Union

Needing help with sorting out your money during the Festive period? Why not pop in and see a member of the Credit Union team at the Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre. See us on: Tuesday 11th October from 3-5pm or Wednesday 12th October 6:30-8pm for futher information why not visit or call 01698 711 112

Digital Television Switchover

The television transmitter for this area is set to be “switched over” on 8th June 2011. If you have lost some TV channels please re-tune your Freeview box, following the instructions in your user manual. More information about the switchover is available on the Digital UK website. Sky, Virgin, and Whitcomm customers will not be affected.

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