Once again West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative Ltd is delighted to announce that for the year 1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018 we are freezing energy costs for heat and hot water for those tenants/members connected to WWHC District Heating System. That means since the commencement of WWHC being the heat and hot water supplier in 2014, we have frozen prices for 44 consecutive months. This at a time when big energy suppliers have announced the undernoted average price increases for their energy supply.
Npower | 15% |
EDF | 8% |
Eon | 13.8% |
Scottish Power | 10.8% |
First Utility | 9.7% |
Government figures show we are now saving each tenant using the system a considerable sum, on average, on energy costs compared to the old electric white meter/panel heater system. Although the project had some initial teething problems we are now delighted with the very high levels of tenant satisfaction with the system and the considerable savings to our tenants as a result of WWHC supplying heat and hot water on a not- for – profit basis.
Should you require further information, or clarification of any aspect of the heating and hot water system, please contact the Property Team at the office.