Important Update for RTS Meter Customers

Date Posted: October 7, 2024

Energy suppliers and other stakeholders are working together to replace 800,000 Radio Teleswitch (RTS) meters across the UK before the service is terminated on the 30th June, 2025. This initiative follows a summit organised by Ofgem – involving various stakeholders including Energy UK and Citizens Advice – aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for affected households.

RTS Systems – which manage electricity meter timings via radio signals – are becoming redundant. Without an upgrade some affected homes, schools and businesses could lose their heating and hot water. Customers with RTS meters are urged to contact their energy suppliers for advice and to schedule for upgrades.

To facilitate this transition, suppliers will:

  • Focus resources in areas with high RTS meter concentrations,
  • Prioritise upgrades for vulnerable consumers,
  • Address technical challenges collaboratively,
  • Provide monthly updates.

Ofgem emphasises the need for swift action – highlighting that without acceleration, upgrades could extend to 2028. Suppliers are urging customers to respond to communications and to keep appointments.

A taskforce has been established to ensure effective outreach and technical solutions. It will also monitor that all RTS customers are informed by the 31st December, 2024 about the upcoming shutdown and upgrade options.

Customers are encouraged to act quickly to avoid disruptions. For more information or to confirm your meter type, please contact your energy supplier.

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