Your Rent

The amount of rent you pay has to cover the cost of:

  • The day to day management and maintenance of our houses
  • Improving properties (e.g. replacing kitchens and bathroom fittings, installing new windows, central heating systems)
  • Rent lost through empty properties (voids) and rent arrears
  • Paying back loans taken out to improve and build new houses

Your rent is due to be paid on the 28th of every month. Rent is charged in arrears and you may choose to pay monthly, fortnightly or weekly, please contact your Housing Officer to discuss.

You can pay your rent in any of the following ways:

  • By direct debit – This can be set up by contacting your Housing Officer.
  • By using your rent card at any Post Office or Pay Point Outlet
  • By phoning the office on 0141 641 8628
  • By phoning Allpay on 0330 0416 497
  • Online at the Allpay Payments Website
  • By agreeing that your Housing Benefit is paid directly to WWHC from South Lanarkshire Council
  • By agreeing that your Universal Credit housing element is paid directly to WWHC
  • By BACS transfer - please contact us for our bank account details


Rent cards are easy to use, you simply hand over the payment and your card. The till operator will give you a receipt, which you should keep as proof of payment.  Your Housing Officer can order a rent card for you.

We review out rent charges every year and we will always consult you over any proposed changes to your rent. You will be given a month’s notice, in writing, of your rent increase to enable you to re-budget or to apply for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit if you are not already getting help with your rent. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit you need to tell the DWP about your new rent charge by updating your journal.

We understand that tenants sometimes have difficulty paying their rent.  Help and advice is always available and we will make every effort to help if you are having financial difficulties.

If you know you are going to struggle to make your rent payment it is best to contact your Housing Officer as soon as possible. Don’t leave it until you have missed your payment. You can pay arrears in instalments at a rate you can afford, but only if this has been agreed with us. 

We can also make a referral for you to other organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureau or Lanarkshire Credit Union.  Either organisation can carry out a benefit check for you and help you with budgeting.  Lanarkshire Credit Union can also help you with low cost loans.

All claims for Universal Credit need to be made online. You then need to make an appointment with a Job Coach at the Job Centre Plus within 7 days of making your application. If you are entitled to claim Universal Credit you are not eligible to claim Housing Benefit so you will need to include your housing costs in your Universal Credit claim. Your Housing Officer can advise you on how to update your claim to show you have a rent charge to pay. For more information, please visit Help to Claim Universal Credit.  

Depending on your situation, you may be able to claim Housing Benefit.  Housing Benefit for WWHC tenants is processed by South Lanarkshire Council. 

The Council provides a Benefits Calculator to help you calculate the amount of benefit you are entitled to and you can make a claim online by visiting South Lanarkshire Council’s Website. Please contact your Housing Officer for help with this. 

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