Every year The Scottish Housing Regulator publishes a report on how all Registered Social Landlords have performed. The report sets out the standards that all landlords aim to achieve and the areas it covers is wide ranging. It includes tenant satisfaction, quality and maintenance of homes, and neighbourhood and services.
The results for 2017/18 have just been released and the outcome for West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative was exceptional with high standards in all areas.
Out of the 13 indicators recorded, 10 of them were significantly above the Scottish average, 1 was on a par and 2 were slightly below.
Some highlights from the results are:
- Routine repairs were carried out in 2.6 days compared to The Scottish average of 6.4 days
- 94.2% of tenants felt that WWHC was good at keeping them informed about services and outcomes compared to the Scottish average of 91.7%
- 98.9% of WWHC’s homes met the Scottish Housing Quality Standard compared to the Scottish average of 94.2%.
WWHC Committee and Staff are understandably delighted with these results and it’s great to see that the hard work which goes in to deliver such high quality homes and services is reflected in the report.
Anne Anderson the Co-operative’s Chairperson, said “For another year running our results shown by The Scottish Housing Regulator have been considerably better than the Scottish average. Our Staff and Committee continue to work hard, even in challenging times, to turn out fantastic results year after year.”
The full landlord performance report is available to view on the Scottish Housing Regulator website.